01375 374851

Welcome to Hattens

Meet our team

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Samantha Lynch
Samantha Lynch
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Kelly Dulieu
Kelly Dulieu
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Leonie Adams
Leonie Adams
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Nasheela Ali
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Jennie Jackman
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Nipuni Wijesinghe
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Vanda Mercer
Vanda Mercer
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Richard Jackson
Richard Jackson
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Sonia Nijjar
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Kirsty Hunter
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Claire Crooks
Claire Crooks
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Joanne Drake
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Hayley Antoine
Hayley Antoine
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Rachel Perkins
Rachel Perkins

Why choose Hattens Solicitors Limited?


Our staff are friendly, approachable and caring.

Expert Advice

The advice given will be clearly explained without the legal jargon. Our clients best interests always come first.

Highly Experienced

We have been serving our local community for over 150 years.

Hatten’s are proud to support the Friends of Essex & London Homeless, a local charity dedicated to helping the homeless. Friends of Essex & London Homeless are driven by a single goal; to do their part in making the world a better place for all. We are a donation drop off point for the charity and contact details for the charity are below if you wish you donate.

@teamfoelh on Instagram
@TeamFOELH on Twitter
Search: Friends of Essex & London Homeless on Facebook


Friends of Essex & London Homeless

My experience with Leonie and Hayley has been fantastic! Clear communication throughout and regularly keeping us updated.
Fees explained clearly up front.
Making the most of technology to speed things along where possible (email to me and I print rather than rely on snail mail!). All instructions carried out accurately and with sensitivity when required. Chased up third parties who were slowing the process. Completed the handling of the estate within 6 months.

And all this while Covid lockdown was at its most stringent! Outstanding experience. Finally a solicitor with the customer at its heart, not the money.
